This document is version 0.1.0 + should be considered a "rough draft". The version numbers will increment to v0.2., v0.3., and so on... until an endgame plan is accepted by DAO governance (version 1.0).
Warning: This resource describes planned functionality and processes that has not been implemented and is not part of any official roadmap. Be aware that parts may be inaccurate or out of date. This document should not be relied on for financial, tax, business, or any other type of advice. This document is not legal advice, please consult your own lawyer .
Miscellanous Ideas
Many of these need more meat on the bones.
Renaissance - a revival of or renewed interest in something.
This plan is the renewal of Gitcoin, it's Gitcoin's Renaissance.
Todo - partner with Sov to write more about the program. What is it's future business model/structure?
Some ideas
- take fee by being in the round
- more PGFs in the main gitcoin round
- reengineer it a la (opens in a new tab)
elder steward council
The steward council model has not yet taken off..
Lets copy the traditional company advisory board model. What if we invited top founders in the space (Kain, Sassal, etc)... and asked them to be on a steward council where they acted as an advisory board)?
Ecosystem Engagement
Become more Ecosystem first,
- Copy Optimism mission and intents
- Build each workstream for ecosystem participation.
- working in public is a superpower - Embrace scale that comes with decentralization As a value
- use gitcoin to build gitcoin
- We could articulate Vitalik style roadmaps on path forward/ the path to PMF. like this (opens in a new tab)
how governance got captured. Show context and power overlap (have i already done this in the airdrop + ?? sections)
shawn: Encourage large delegators to reduce delegation to less than 2.5% of a normal snapshot vote - and lead by example. In my calculation, that is a cap at about 250,000 delegated tokens. Need more delegates? We just elected 8 kick ass people to the steward council. Give them some influence. Not sure you know or agree with them all yet? Well, yeah that is kinda how deliberate diversity works.
add in a economic model VeGTC Mara - make ppl stake to run grants rounds up until x amounts Put eth into rETH treasury
gtm Waterfall in every market Repitition of core value props for chrome it was security speed stability
Go all in on optimism.
Optimism is the new market leader in the regen space ($20m/quarter), time to fall inline in their ecoysystem and get aligned with them.
turn up the clock speed
We can iterate faster, to explore the PMF design space faster. Instead of doing 6 week iterations, what if we do 1-2 week iterations?
- invite others to write their endgame docs.
The endgame document would be powerful if it was more like the Federalist papers for gitcoin. We should make sure that CSDO has shared ownership over endgame.
Embrace network effects.
Network effects are magic. We can leverage them to create exponential growth.
Shout it from the rooftops: we are so back. market the return of each product. devrel plan for allo
Stop flying blind, invest in analytics/data infrastructure.
Establish more aggressive goals than 13-5-5 for next 6 months.
Something more like 5m-50-5-0
- 5m GTC staked
- 50 Granst Stack Rounds
- 5 Allo integrations
- 0 breakeven on PGN
Sybil Data Infrastructure
Provide as much sybil resistence to as many dApps as possible + Stay head of the attackers. All while being decentralized.
Build a data science ecosystem to avoid capture.
Revive it? (opens in a new tab)
superchain but for grants stack Allo super structure with equivilent of law of chains on it
GTC is the governance token of the Gitcoin network. It creates security against sybil attackers, spammers, or other negative behaviour. Write about GTC Staking
- in passport
- on grants stack/allo
- in allo
GTC Utility
staking on rounds staking on passport staking to get your token on a list.
TLDRs everywhere
todo add them on each doc
Articulate hypersturuftr at end of subdao proposal
stop booking Ls start booking Ws external wins vs internal ones
governance documentation like (opens in a new tab) ?
add gmv numbers to endgame everywhere in doc
delegate to external stewards. the current delegate set up incentivises internals to hoard info and not engage with external stakeholders.
prioritize negotiation to subdao spin out terms . Forces the business model question
endgame - loyalty and retention Ls vs WS ledger
write up
- token utility as a service
- another thing that i think might be interesting is having for-profit grants. eg grants stack where u get a portion of each project for contributing
Midgame: Lets use our own products. Get off governor bravo + instead use grants stack.. Citizen round
Is there a place for Token swaps w other DAos in endgame?