EndGame Plan
End Game (2025+)
Context Decentralization

This document is version 0.1.0 + should be considered a "rough draft". The version numbers will increment to v0.2., v0.3., and so on... until an endgame plan is accepted by DAO governance (version 1.0).


Warning: This resource describes planned functionality and processes that has not been implemented and is not part of any official roadmap. Be aware that parts may be inaccurate or out of date. This document should not be relied on for financial, tax, business, or any other type of advice. This document is not legal advice, please consult your own lawyer .

Context Decentralization

Problem Statement

In the web3 space, there is vast and open access to all forms of information surrounding an organiation. Their financials, product adoption numbers, organization participation, how they govern and make decisions... the list goes on. This creates asymetry in the amount of information available versus the amount of time one has to casually contribute. As a result, there is a context gap between those who follow a DAO closely, and those who dont. The "insiders" of any DAO spend lots of time working in, defining, and reading up on whats happening across the organziation. Gitcoin is no different.

In our case the increased complexity and need for context exponentially expanded when the organization moved from company to DAO in 2021-2023.

There is a clear division between stewards that are core contributors to Gitcoin, and stewards who are outside community-contributors. As time progressed from when the DAO launched, the latter group of contributors were not able to keep up with the deluge of information and nuance that comes with being asked to run an organziation with minimal context... eventually they stopped stewarding the project all together.

NOTE This has been a trajedy for a number of reasons, and the context required may be a primary reason, it's not the only reason external stewards stepped back.


We propose that Gitcoin invests in LLMs that make it easier to understand the whole Gitcoin ecossytem and political economy.

The LLMs would watch gov.gitcoin.co, Notion, Gitcoin youtubes, Twitter, and any other relevant channels to consume the context of the Gitcoin ecosystem. We would then expose an interface to query the LLMs that allow anyone to gather and consume as much context as the insiders just by asking questions. Getting an external contributor 80% of the way there is likley enough to break through some of the past hurdles.

There are multiple teams that are working on doing this as service, and we propose that we hire them to do this service for Gitcoin.